April 4, 2012 1:28 AM

Pittsburgh Area Attractions – Fred Rogers Statue

Fred Rogers was one of the most beloved figures ever to host a show on children’s television. He passed away in 2003 at the age of 74 and left a legacy of teaching children by entertaining them that may never be equaled.

Fred Rogers was one of the most beloved figures ever to host a show on children’s television.  He passed away in 2003 at the age of 74 and left a legacy of teaching children by entertaining them that may never be equaled.

The desire to have a lasting tribute to the man and his work was realized when a 7,000-pound, 11-foot bronze statue of Fred Rogers called “Tribute to Children” was placed on Pittsburgh’s North Shore.

Cordelia May was a friend of the Rogers family and commissioned the sculptor Robert Berks to make the statue.  Berks watched several episodes of Mister Rogers Neighborhood before starting.

He decided that the pose of Fred Rogers sitting down and tying his sneakers would be most appropriate.  Berks felt it was the pose most people would associate with the children’s television icon as that was how he started all of his shows.

Mrs. May founded the Colcom Foundation which has permanently endowed maintenance costs for the site where the statue is located. The to Fred Rogers is a gift from the Colcom Foundation to Family Communications, Inc. who in turn has given bronze tribute it to the city of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.

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