January 24, 2012 2:32 AM

New Public Sculpture Placed in New Orleans Park

“Eyebenches,” a pair of functional sculptures by Louise Bourgeois — among the most influential living artists — was placed in Lafayette Square in New Or

“Eyebenches,” a pair of functional sculptures by Louise Bourgeois — among the most influential living artists — was placed in Lafayette Square in New Or

leans on Monday. The eye-shaped metal sitting spots are the third sculptures installed as part of Michael Manjarris’ “Sculpture for New Orleans” project, an effort to bring world-class public art to the streets of the Crescent City.

Manjarris, a New Orleans native living in Texas, is a monumental sculptor in his own right. He views “Sculpture for New Orleans” as a way to help his hometown recover from the 2005 storm and flood.

Bourgeois’ “Eyebenches” joins “Me, Knife, Diamond, and Flower,” by James Surls, located outside the Ogden Museum of Southern Art and “Travelers” by Deborah Masters in Audubon Park, near St. Charles Avenue, that were installed in February. Works by Mark di Suvero and Alexander Calder are scheduled to follow.

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