August 26, 2009 4:37 AM

Micheal Slaying The Dragon Unveiled

Cross Ministries added a new bronze statue to the grounds this month. From the freeway you can see the eight foot magnificent wing span of the angel engaged in battle with the dragon. The statue represents the battle of good and evil in the 12th chapter of Revelations. Spectators and staff members where thrilled with the arrival of the life-size bronze.

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Cross Ministries added a new bronze statue to the grounds this month. From the freeway you can see the eight foot magnificent wing span of the angel engaged in battle with the dragon. The statue represents the battle of good and evil in the 12th chapter of Revelations. Spectators and staff members where thrilled with the arrival of the life-size bronze.

Cross Ministries welcomes thousands and thousands of visitors each year. The 190 foot cross is the center of attention and can be seen from miles away. “Millions of people have come from all over the world to view the bronze sculptures of Jesus’ journey to the Cross.”

Big Statues was honored to be involved with the creation of the new angel statue.

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