September 14, 2012 3:19 AM

Israel Dedicates Memorial to 9/11 Victims in Jerusalem

Jerusalem – At Israel’s Sept. 11 memorial — a 30-foot bronze sculpture of a waving American flag that morphs into a memorial flame — the father of one victim endorsed the crackdown on terrorism. Dov Shefi, the father of Hagay Shefi, who was attending a conference that day in the twin towers

Jerusalem – At Israel’s Sept. 11 memorial — a 30-foot bronze sculpture of a waving American flag that morphs into a memorial flame — the father of one victim endorsed the crackdown on terrorism. Dov Shefi, the father of Hagay Shefi, who was attending a conference that day in the twin towers, said, “Let us hope that the free world will continue to fight against leaders of terrorist organizations and their supporters; let all the souls of the thousands of victims whose names are marked on this great living memorial in Jerusalem be remembered from here to eternity.”

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