June 27, 2011 4:22 AM

Fallen Marine honored with bronze statue

Cal Walters, the Assistant Division Vice Commandant, Southeast Division and the Jr. Past Commandant of the P.L. Wilson Detachment of the Marine Corps League said, “This bronze memorial will be a lasting symbol of Foster’s honorable, faithful and unselfish service.”

A fallen Marine who fought in Iraq was honored at Fort Whiting with a custom bronze bust. Sergeant Foster Harrington was killed in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Cal Walters, the Assistant Division Vice Commandant, Southeast Division and the Jr. Past Commandant of the P.L. Wilson Detachment of the Marine Corps League said, “This bronze memorial will be a lasting symbol of Foster’s honorable, faithful and unselfish service.”

Marine Sergeant Foster Harrington with the Third Force Reconnaissance Company was killed in action in Iraq. His fellow marines wanted to pay tribute to his heroic actions. The P.L. Wilson Detachment Company Marine Corps League commissioned and unveiled a life-sized, life-like bronze bust of Harrington.

“When that life-sized bust was unveiled, it was like bringing home an old friend,” Walters added. “You can read citations on walls and look at photographs of the fallen, but this project is really about bringing that person back to life in that community so the generations to come can not only read that citation but take a look and see who Sgt. Harrington was in the likeness that’s there in the bust.”

During the tribute, the Marines took a moment to recall the sacrifices that Harrington and all servicemen and women made.

“Every Marine realized that that could be them – that they’re coming together to remember,” said Walters.

The custom bronze statue is meant for people to touch, reflect and experience Harrington’s journey. It was moved to a permanent display.

The life-like memorial also includes a special paddle which is highly coveted. It’s only given to reconnaissance Marines who upheld the highest standard in their community.

Harrington was a Marine Corps Combatant Diver and Marine Parachutist. Accompanying the bronze sculpture is a citation signed by the president, a flag to show dedication to our country and a form that Harrington filled out when he checked out equipment to head to Iraq. All are memories of an honorable man. The bronze sculpture statue is a true representation of what Harrington lived and died for.

P.L. Wilson Detachment Company Marine Corps League has two other real life sculptures of fallen Marines in the Mobile Area that are in production now. The large bronze statue of Lance Corporal Bradley Faircloth will be placed in Murphy High School, and the custom bronze bust of Lance Corporal Joseph Whitehead will go to Satsuma High School.

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