May 18, 2011 2:42 AM

Elvis-loving principal gets life-size 'King' statue

Curt Visca’s mother gave him an autographed picture of Elvis Presley that she got at an Elvis convention years ago. Visca, principal at Ambuehl Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano, hung the gift in his office. Ever since, friends, parents and students have given him Elvis-inspired gifts. His collection includes an Elvis chicken and an Elvis Mr. Potato Head.

It all started with one photo.

Curt Visca’s mother gave him an autographed picture of Elvis Presley that she got at an Elvis convention years ago. Visca, principal at Ambuehl Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano, hung the gift in his office. Ever since, friends, parents and students have given him Elvis-inspired gifts. His collection includes an Elvis chicken and an Elvis Mr. Potato Head.

The latest present: a life-size statue of the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.”

The fifth-grade class gave the statue to Visca – who plays a character called L. Vis Parsley on his TV show “It’s Curtoon Time” on Cox cable in south Orange County – about two weeks ago for his birthday. The statue had been at a small barbershop in town.

“The kids know I like Elvis,” Visca said. “When I look at this giant statue, I think, ‘What have I created?'”

Visca said he was surprised when he first saw Elvis standing by his desk.

“At first I thought it was a joke,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting to see this huge Elvis in my office.”

A parent told him it was his to keep.

“I try to make school very fun for the students,” said Visca, who has dressed as Elvis at school sock hops and often goes to school in other costumes.

On Friday, he dressed in a large hat and colorful sunglasses for “Funky Friday,” when he plays music for students on the blacktop at lunch.

There’s also “Formal Friday,” when Visca wears a tuxedo to school and encourages kids to dress to the nines as well. He also has gone to school in a hula skirt.

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