June 19, 2009 1:18 PM

Bronze Animal Statues

THE CONCEPT/IDEA Choosing your subject is the first step whether it is a customized bronze deer, eagle, dogs or horses. Our design team will help you design a statue that is right for your needs. We like to work with you to come up with an original idea that you can call your own.

We design bronze animals including deer, horses, dogs, bald eagles and other wildlife statues.

  1. THE CONCEPT/IDEA Choosing your subject is the first step whether it is a customized bronze deer, eagle, dogs or horses. Our design team will help you design a statue that is right for your needs. We like to work with you to come up with an original idea that you can call your own. Being involved in the design process is one of the reasons so many clients choose our company. We want to make you happy.
  2. PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS and WILDLIFE STATUES Once we have a concept for the Wildlife Bronze, we start to design your statue using various drawings. You are welcome to submit your own drawings if you have a specific design that you feel comfortable with. We like to get the idea down on paper to give us a good prospective of what we are about to create in clay.
  3. THE MODEL A 14 inch model of your statue will be created to visualize your design in 3-d. If there is something you don’t like or want to change you just let us know and we fix it to your liking. Upon your approval the model will be molded and used as a guide line in the production of your big statue. This works to your advantage in two ways. First you know what your statue will look and you can use the model as an award or to give as gifts and perhaps even as a marketing tool.
  4. CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARMATURE The constrution of the armature is one of the many important steps in the making of your statue. A steel frame is constructed and foam is added to create a rough outline of your statue. The amature is then sealed with a latex coating and the sculpture process is ready to begin.
  5. THE SCULPTING PROCESS Once the armature is completed we start the sculpting process.By hand we apply hundreds of pounds of hot clay. Needless to say this is a very time consuming process, sometimes taking several weeks to coat the whole statue and to complete the “block in” stage. With the clay applied we start putting in the detail and your statue starts to take shape.Adding and subtracting clay to get the perfect look is art and it takes time and many man hours to get that look. We spend hundreds of hours on every project during this process to insure that your statue is one that will make you proud.
animal statue, custom bronze animal statue

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