August 11, 2016 4:11 AM

Big Statues Helps to Continue Family Legacy with yet, Another Grand Statue!

Joseph Sauma was a man who left behind a great legacy. Not only was he the founder of IAS, Corp, but he was an example and great leader among his employees and his family, and he was known for his beliefs and morals he left behind, such as family value and hard work ethic. Three years ago, Big Statues LLC had the honor and great opportunity to establish a custom bronze statue outside the storefront.

Joseph Sauma was a man who left behind a great legacy. Not only was he the founder of IAS, Corp, but he was an example and great leader among his employees and his family, and he was known for his beliefs and morals he left behind, such as family value and hard work ethic. Three years ago, Big Statues LLC had the honor and great opportunity to establish a custom bronze statue outside the storefront. When the family decided to dedicate a statue to their father in front of the main entrance to their family owned business, the objective was to honor a man who throughout his life has given everything he has, or ever received, to others. Beyond material possessions, Joseph Sauma gave his family and employees better opportunities in life.He was later rewarded with a family who works together and lives tightly close to each other, and who has adopted his beliefs and high standards. Because of this, the family wanted to create another statue of Joseph's wife, which will also be placed outside the family business, not far from where Joseph stands. The bronze sculpture shows her sitting at one side of a bench with a painting easel in front of her while carrying a paint palette and brush, and looking to her right towards her husbands statue. When speaking to the family of the inspiration behind this statue, they said that "the statue will serve as a spot where her children and grand children will sit next to her for many years to come." She was just as passionate as was her husband, and this statue will serve as a monument and legacy for the children and many grandchildren to come. It is reminder of the reward that comes from working hard and simply being a good person and serving others.Now every morning when family members of multiple generations, as well as employees and guests, pass in front of his and her statue, it acts as a constant reminder that there is continuity in any life well lived, and a higher mission that awaits us all. Big Statues was so happy to be able to work with the Sauma family on a consistent basis and experience just a small taste of what they believe in, and take part in the great legacy and impact that Joseph and his wife left.

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