June 14, 2011 4:37 AM

Big Statues Creates Eye-Popping 3-D Relief Bronze Plaques

Are you graduating this year, and looking for the perfect senior class gift? Not sure what to get that will really stand the test of time and live on in your halls forever? Is there someone in your department, your hometown, your community that really deserves

Are you graduating this year, and looking for the perfect senior class gift? Not sure what to get that will really stand the test of time and live on in your halls forever? Is there someone in your department, your hometown, your community that really deserves a big thank you for all that they do? A founder or a partner, or someone who’s been inspiring generations for years? Have you always remembered those that gave their lives for us with such courage and strength? Always remembered but didn’t know quite how to make others remember too?

So many people to honor. So many legacies to solidify. So many everyday and extraordinary heroes to thank.

Where do you turn to for the answers? That’s easy.

Big Statues.

Big Statues has one of the nation’s largest foundries for creating custom bronze sculptures, and we specialize in life-size bronze statues, bronze busts, and 3-D Relief Plaques and Statues of any size. Just this past month, artist Matt Glenn completed a fantastic 3-D relief statue (flat on the back to be mounted

against a wall or other flat surface) and completely three-dimensional on the other with great texture and depth) for Secaucus High School. The graduating class of 2011 wanted to honor their fellow students, their teachers, and all the faculty that come together to make their school the amazing place to learn and grow that it is, and were able to give their school a gift they’d never forget.

Salinas High School, Class of 2011 also wanted to honor their school in the same way.

This fantastic circular plaque was designed especially for the versatile ways in which it can be easily placed in different buildings throughout the school to honor their mighty cowboys.

And right here in our hometown, Big Statues has had the honor of creating an amazing award display for the stellar men and women of the Brigham Young University Track and Field teams.

Working together with local artists and carpenters, we’ve embarked on a great collaborative effort of the community, to create the stunning 3-D relief medallions, plaques, and plates in this multimedia display of bronze, leather, and wood.

Just imagine what you can create to honor forever the heroes you have always admired.

Visit www.bigstatues.com and call or email us today to find out how we can make your dreams come true.

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