June 8, 2016 4:53 AM

Big Statues Creates a Heart Wrenching Masterpiece in Honor of Kaiser Carlile.

On August 1, during the 2015 NBC world Series, 9 year old bat boy Kaiser Carlile was hit in the head by a practice swing, passing away a day later. It was an emotional roller coaster that sent a shock and a wave of empathy across the nation. He was seen as the beloved little brother to the Liberal Bee Jays and was known as the ‘spark plug’ to their team. The team was left with an immense void and emptiness that simply could not be overlooked. That is when they reached out to Matt Glenn of Big Statues, a world renowned sculptor who specializes in custom bronze statues, to commission a life-size statue of Kaiser.

On August 1, during the 2015 NBC world Series, 9 year old bat boy Kaiser Carlile was hit in the head by a practice swing, passing away a day later. It was an emotional roller coaster that sent a shock and a wave of empathy across the nation. He was seen as the beloved little brother to the Liberal Bee Jays and was known as the 'spark plug' to their team. The team was left with an immense void and emptiness that simply could not be overlooked. That is when they reached out to Matt Glenn of Big Statues, a world renowned sculptor who specializes in custom bronze statues, to commission a life-size statue of Kaiser.

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"Doing the statue was a huge challenge because I have five boys, and just to think of losing one of your sons, I mean it's so heartbreaking" said Matt. It was an emotional project that required hours and hours of planning and execution. Every minute detail has it's importance and role in creating a jaw dropping sculpture. Glenn and his team looked through multiple images at every point of view to correctly portray the young boy. This project brought with it some apprehension, seeing as there was so much emotion and vivid memories surrounding this unveiling. "I always have a bit of trepidation because I never knew Kaiser, and I never know what type of reaction his parents are going to have."It's difficult to describe the feeling of respect and reverence that was present at the unveiling of the statue in Liberal, Kansas. Every person present, in some form or another, was affected by young Kaiser. As the cover was lifted from off the bronze display, the eyes of many were quickly filled with tears, and hearts were instantly touched. It was a spiritually moving morning as the jubilant bat boy was remembered. Matt Glenn stated, "After the unveil, Kaiser's father Chad Carlile came up to me and gave me a big hug and said, 'you nailed it.'" May Kaiser not be forgotten, and let us all remember his wise words that are so prominently etched in front of his statue. "Play Hard, Have Fun."

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