September 8, 2014 12:16 PM

'A great man’ Statue of Deacon Duvall now in place at FSU

Coach Harold “Deacon” Duvall has a statue of his likeness overlooking Duvall-Rosier Field at FSU. A dedication ceremony was held prior to the Fairmont State football game versus Notre Dame College Thursday evening.

By Richard Babich | Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT — A football legend has been enshrined in bronze at Fairmont State University.

Coach Harold “Deacon” Duvall has a statue of his likeness overlooking Duvall-Rosier Field at FSU. A dedication ceremony was held prior to the Fairmont State football game versus Notre Dame College Thursday evening.

Former players, students, administration and fans gathered around the statue during the pre-game ceremony. A proclamation from the Fairmont City Council was read as the stadium went silent.

Sept. 4 was declared as a day dedicated to Duvall by the city council.

Matt Glenn, the sculptor of Duvall’s statue, said he knew he wanted to have a part in crafting Duvall’s likeness. Though it is difficult to create an individual’s likeness, Glenn credited former player Steve Lipscomb for providing the description of  Duvall.

“The look and feel is that of a ‘humble pride,’ if that makes sense. He is a great man in all aspects of the word, but not prideful, but very proud of his players,” Glenn said. “(He was) proud of the men that he created on the field, and it’s a silent pride. If you look at him, he has a little smile on his face just kind of saying job well done.”

Joan Duvall, Duvall’s wife, was among those who attended the ceremony. She

views Duvall as special and knows he was special to many people.

“He is just another guy to me at home, but when out like this, I know how much he is loved and how important he is to other people,” Joan Duvall said.

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