June 13, 2013 10:50 AM

40 Creative and Unusual Statue and Sculpture Art

Around the world you can find monuments, statues, and sculptures displayed in public parks and other places of interest. These public artworks are in most cases, figures of heroes and distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to the country, or to the locality.

statue and sculpture art

Around the world you can find monuments, statues, and sculptures displayed in public parks and other places of interest. These public artworks are in most cases, figures of heroes and distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to the country, or to the locality. Inasmuch as these statue and sculpture art objects are nothing but ordinary memorial structures, most of them are depicted in a formal and in the most stately fashion. There are however, statue and sculptures which are creatively designed  in a way that most likely never crossed your mind. This of course does not only refer to statues and sculptures of heroes and statesmen but in large part, to other things like animals and inanimate objects. Yes, in cities around the world, you can find unusual statue and sculpture art objects aside from the usual display of distinguished individuals revered by the community.

Here in this article, you can see just the creative and unusual statue and sculpture art pieces in public parks and other places of cities. So strange, and weird these statue and sculpture art pieces that you cannot help but let out a grin. Whatever the purpose of creating these artworks may be, I’m sure humor is one of them if not the only.

1. The Giant Hand, Atacama Desert, Chile

The Giant Hand, Atacama Desert, Chile statue and sculpture art

2. Statue of St. Wenceslas riding a dead horse, Prague, Czech Republic

Statue of St. Wenceslas riding a dead horse, Prague, Czech Republic statue and sculpture art

3. Le Pounce Monument, Paris, France

 Le Pounce Monument, Paris, France statue and sculpture art

4. The Headington Shark, Oxford, UK

5. Giant Tap, Tecnopark Wintertur, Switzerland

6. Franz Kafka Monument, Prague, Czech Republic

7. Corporate Head, Ernst & Young Building, Los Angeles, California

8. God father on the arch of heaven, Stockholm, Sweden

9. Giant Fork Sculpture, Springfield, Missouri

10. Hanging Rhino, Potsdam, Germany

11. Man Hanging Out, Prague Czech Republi

12. A Crocodile Eating a Capitalist, Brooklyn, New York

13. Charles La Trobe Statue, Melbourne, Australia

14. Cow Popsicle, Budapest, Hungary

15. Headless Musician, Amsterdam, Netherlands

16. Sculpture of a Man in  Guadalquivir River, Cordoba, Spain

17. Statue of a Man Sawing a Branch, Amsterdam, Netherlands

18. Violinist Bursting from the Floor, Amsterdam, Netherlands

19. Giant Woman Lying in a Photo Booth, London, England

20. Great Depression Bread Line Statue, New Jersey, USA

21. Man in the Water, Stockholm, Sweden

22. The Knotted Gun, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA

23. River Children, Singapore

24. Le Passe-Muraille, or Man in the Wall, Paris, France

25. Bench Outside Bukcheon Museum, Seoul, South Korea

26. Die Badende (The Bather), Hamburg, Germany

27. De Vaartkapoen (Policeman Being Tripped), Brussels, Belgium

28. Space Cow, Stockholm, Sweden

29. The Awakening, Washington D.C., USA

30. The Paparazzi, Bratislava, Slovakia

31. Man at Work, Bratislava, Slovakia

32. Photo was requested to be removed – Sorry

33. Urinating Statues, Prague, Czech Republic

34. Hashire, Japan

35. Walking to the Sky, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

36. Metalmorphosis, Charlotte, North Carolina

37. Sala Keoku, Thailand

38. Cloud Gate, Chicago, USA

39. Searching for Utopia, Amsterdam, Netherlands

40. London Ink’s Man Swimming Statue, England

40 public artwork, around the world, bronze artwork, strange art, unique statues

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